Sustain & Retain

Some guitars have lots of it, some have less. It is perceived that a guitar will sound better if it has lots of sustain compared to one that doesn’t. When you hear about Sustain it simply means the length of the strings vibration, how long the note lasts, so a long sustain means the string or note can vibrate or ring out for a longer time, then a short sustain means the string cant vibrate for a long time.Sustain & Retain

There are a number of things that will traditionally change sustain on a guitar, the wood, strings, the material of the nut & saddle and pickups. A combination of changing these things will change the way your guitar sustain behaves. But ! What if you do not have lots of different guitars, what can you do to adjust your guitar sustain?

A classic way to adjust the sustain of your guitar tone is to manipulate the tone by adding a compressor pedal or an overdrive set on low gain with compression built in. The compressor takes all the highs and lows of the signal and squishes it together, so all the highs and lows of its output are the same, this results in a longer note.

Some pedals do this better than others, so here are the top JOYO pedals & devices that will give you the best sustain guitar effect to dial in on your existing gear and make you sound infinitely better.

Sustain & Retain the Gain !

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